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Dogs that are keen and ready for training
-  £120 / dog / week  (£17.15/day)

-  includes high quality food and salmon oil

-  extra clean kennels

Less for starting pups and shy starters.

Dogs will not only be taken to the sheep every day, but will have plenty social time and getting used to being handled also off sheep. Teaching good manners and impulse control makes them pleasant to have around and helps build a strong bond with them.
We keep our kennels extra clean, and unless the dog is on a special diet - all dogs in our care are fed high quality feed with high protein and fat (with added salmon oil) to make sure their bodies can keep up with the new training routine and building muscle.

The time needed depends completely on the dog, how keen it is and how it likes to learn - and of course how far you want it trained. Some dogs love to be pushed fast and thrive that way, where as some prefer more time to process new things before moving to the next step.

Examples of common enquiries
-  starting a pup/youngster and have good control
-  teaching basics, ready to start practical work
-  teaching something specific like driving, shedding, etc
-  correcting bad habits
-  fine-tuning for trialing/selling purpose


Email us for a chat or find
us on Facebook at Class On Grass Sheepdog Training

An example of a 'basic trained' very keen young dog, who's just starting practical work.

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